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  • info@thebraintree.in

Pediatric Cerebral Palsy Clinic

Cerebral palsy can’t be cured, but treatment will often improve a child’s capabilities. Many children go on to enjoy near-normal adult lives if their disabilities are properly managed. In an effort to provide holistic care, we at Braintree Healthcare, we have developed a comprehensive plan to cater the needs of the kids so that the children have a better chance of overcoming developmental disabilities or learning new ways to accomplish the tasks that challenge them.


About Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is the most common physical disability in childhood. It is caused by abnormal development of part of the brain or by damage to parts of the brain that control movement. This damage can occur before, during, or shortly after birth. The majority of children have congenital cerebral palsy CP (that is, they were born with it), although it may not be detected until months or years later.

As the child grows and uses their muscles more, their muscles may become tighter. Cerebral palsy varies greatly in how it affects the individual due to varying types of CP, severity of movement disorder, and related functional abilities and limitations.

Cerebral palsy presents as a life-long disorder of posture and movement and may be accompanied by other impairments such as disturbances of sensation, communication issues, epilepsy, visual, hearing and behavioural issues.

Types of Cerebral Palsy

CP is broadly classified by the kind of motor function issues the child has.

Spastic diplegia

Spastic movements of the legs

Spastic quadriplegia

Spastic movements in all four limbs (both arms and legs)

Spastic hemiplegia

Spasticity that affects one half, or one side, of the body (such as the right arm and right leg)


Involuntary, uncontrolled, and purposeless movements


Sustained or repetitive muscle contractions that do not relax, causing twisted or fixed postures

Common Symptoms of CP

Some effects of CP include:


  •   Inactivity due to impairment of motor centers in the brain
  •   Intellectual disability
  •   Growth and developmental delay
  •   Deformities of the spine
  •   Strabismus (cross eyes)
  •   Impaired hearing
  •   Speech and language disorders
  •   Incontinence
  •   Contractures
  •   Poor dental health
  •   Early intervention is important in supporting children with CP and their families.

Prenatal Screening And Diagnosis?

Most children with cerebral palsy are diagnosed during the first 2 years of life. But if a child’s symptoms are mild, it can be difficult for a doctor to make a reliable diagnosis before the age of 4 or 5.

There will be a series of tests to evaluate the child’s motor skills. The clinician will monitor the child’s development, growth, muscle tone, age-appropriate motor control, hearing and vision, posture, and coordination, in order to rule out other disorders that could cause similar symptoms. Although symptoms may change over time, CP is not progressive.

Our Team

At Braintree we will provide holistic care with the help of our specialists. Our team includes:


Orthopaedic surgeons


Occupational therapists



Speech Therapists


The program will help improve your child’s life by

  •   IConsultation and guidance of a paediatric neurologist for early detection and diagnosis
  •    Orthopaedic support and customised orthotic braces for walking and balance
  •    Physiotherapy to reduce seizures, tremors, muscle and joint control
  •   Occupational therapy
  •   Helping your child meet speech and language goals
  •   Offering walking and balance therapy