  • +91 9776966111

  • info@thebraintree.in

 Difficulties with speech and language can significantly affect your child’s development, academic performance, and social skills.

 Each child will vary with regards to their level of impairment; some individuals may be unable to speak at all, or have limited speech, as well as difficulties making eye contact, using facial expressions and gestures.

 Some other symptoms may include repetitive and non-communicative. Other problems that may also be experienced include; difficulties understanding the meaning of words and sentences, intonation problems, and difficulties in initiating or maintaining a conversation.

 Speech Therapists play a key role in the evaluation and management of individuals with Autism as they can provide interventions to help improve communication skills.

 At Braintree, Our Speech Therapists aims to treat any speech deficits, semantics and pragmatic difficulties for individuals that are unable to speak, we also design the augmentative and alternative communication systems and devices.

To Know More About Speech and Language Disorders

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